Unikura Market

This Contract is for managing tokenization orders from users of the collection.



function cancel(uint256 tokenId) external override
  • Only a sender of the specific order can call.

  • When a sender calls this method, this contract refund the amount paid by sender.

  • This method is used when there are duplicate orders with the same tokenId. It can be called after the regular order is complete.


function complete(uint256 tokenId, address account, address salesAddress) external override onlyAdmin
  • Only admins can call.

  • When admins call this method, this contract call mint method in Unikura Collectibles.


function order(uint256 tokenId, uint256 mintPrice) external payable override


function reject(uint256 tokenId, address account) external override onlyAdmin
  • Only admins can call.

  • When admins call this method, this contract refund the amount paid by sender.


function setAdmin(address account, bool status) external override onlyOwner
  • Only the contract owner can call.


function setCollection(address token) external override onlyOwner
  • Only the contract owner can call.


function setFeePercentage(uint256 percent) external override onlyOwner
  • Only the contract owner can call.

  • When the contract owner call this method, the service fee in Unikura will be changed.


function setFeeRecipient(address account) external override onlyOwner
  • Only the contract owner can call.

Last updated